My first post. Both exciting and scary. Which is part of the reason as to why I've thought about blogging, opened accounts and even bought a book. The actual posting however, is a whole other ball game. I think that's why I've decided to title this 'Leap:An Introduction of Sorts. It's me finally biting the bullet, taking that leap and expressing my thoughts and feelings through this medium. I've always loved writing, In I fact still try to keep up with writing a diary as often as possible. The difference between my diary and a blog is that one has always been solely for my benefit, my private rants and ravings. This of course is more public and I think that both excites and terrifies me. Although here we are so without further a do...
Hello! I'm Oyindamola. I'm a 21-year old Nigerian female, born and raised in the UK. I been been suffering with SLE (Lupus) and Rheumatoid Arthritis since I was around 10 and a half years old. The main purpose of this blog is to raise awareness of this life-threatening chronic disease, and to give readers an insight into how it affects me and my general lifestyle.This blog will be tailored mostly to me and how I am affected. I think is important to point out as every Lupus sufferer is different; and how they're affected varies.
Everything I express and share with you through this blog will have a connection to Lupus, however small that connection may seem. This is because I live with Lupus everyday; there is not yet a cure. I have the bad days and good days and as anyone who is affected or knows a person who suffers with a chronic illness will already know. Therefore some posts be happier than others as want to give a honest account of how I feel and what I'm experiencing at the time. Having said that, even the serious moments hopefully won't be all doom and gloom! My Mum (and the film Stuart Little) have both taught me to see the humor and the silver lining to every cloud and situation, however bad it may seem.
I hope people from all walks of life will enjoy reading this blog, whether you suffer from Lupus or not, it doesn't matter. Even if it means you go away just knowing what Lupus is, then that is a small victory in my mind. It's a start and as my Mum often tells me, you have to crawl before you can walk.
So thank you very much if you have taken the time to read this, please give me a follow and check back reguarly for more! Also feel free to follow me on social media, the buttons are on the right.
Oyinda xo
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